RDA Moreton Bay – AR Local Government Prospectus
Client: RDA Moreton Bay
Website: https://www.rdamoretonbay.org.au/
Project: AR Local Government Prospectus
Client Overview:
Regional Development Australia (RDA) Moreton Bay is one of 55 organisations across Australia made up of local leaders who work with all levels of government, business and the community to promote the economic development of their regions.
As innovators in the government space, Regional Development Australia – Moreton Bay approached UnifiedAR with the view of delivering an AR local government prospectus for distribution at events.
UnifiedAR helped RDA Moreton Bay implement their objective by working alongside their printer, Eckersley Print Group, to produce a high quality consumer faced prospectus that delivered engaging and informational AR video content from key points throughout the booklet. Consumers were then able to follow calls to action for each AR experience back to the RDA website, whilst RDA Moreton was able to track and monitor the performance of the prospectus across metrics such as how many times the AR content had been viewed, the click through rate for the AR content and in most cases, even where the content was viewed from.
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