Harcourts – AR Property Booklet
Client: Harcourts Stafford
Website: https://connections.harcourts.com.au/
Project: AR Property Booklet
Client Overview:
Harcourts Stafford is a leading Brisbane based real estate agency.
Harcourts Stafford is looking for both an innovative means of standing out from its competitors and a means of better connecting with customers using engaging mediums.
UnifiedAR worked with Harcourts Stafford to trial an AR property booklet and AR real estate advertising from their Blue Book publication.
Readers of the Blue Book publication were able to download the UnifiedAR app and scan images of properties in the booklet to receive video overviews of the property that then linked through to the managing agent for either additional information and/or to book a private viewing. Where available viewers were also directed through to interactive 3D walkthroughs of properties and an extended immersion.
Click here to see Harcourts use of AR in property signage.